Test Events used by Global Test of Seismic Event Locations Using Three Dimensional Earth Models Qi-fu Chen* and Raymond J. Willemann International Seismological Centre (* also at Center for Analysis and Prediction, China Seismological Bureau) Submit to: Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer. in December, 2000 ********************* SE96 test explosions ********************* Please refer Smith and Ekström (BSSA, 86, 788-796, 1996) for detail. File "Harvard.ex" lists SE96 test explosions with following format: Date - Date Time - Origin time(GMT) Lat - Latitude (degree) Lon - Longitude (degree) mb - Magnitude Name - Location Name ********************* SE96 test earthquakes ********************* Please refer Kennett and Engdahl (GJI, 105, 429-465, 1991) for detail. File "Harvard.eq" lists SE96 test earthquakes with following format: Date - Date Time - Origin time(GMT) Lat - Latitude (degree) Lon - Longitude (degree) Depth - Depth (km) mb - Magnitude Position - Reference Location Name ************************ pIDC test events ************************ Please refer pIDC ground-truth database (Yang and Romney, 1999; http://www.pidc.org) for detail. File "pIDC.ex" & "pIDC.eq" list pIDC test events with following format: Date - Date Time - Origin time(GMT) Lat - Latitude (degree) Lon - Longitude (degree) Depth - Depth (km) Mag - Magnitude (mb, ML, Ms) GT - pIDC GT category (GT0-GT10) Source - Data source ********************* EHB98 test events ********************* File "EHB98.Evts" lists EHB test events. Please refer EHB98 format description (FORMAT.HDF) which can be retrieved by anonymous ftp to machine address ghtftp.cr.usgs.gov and then change directory (cd) to pub/EHB. If you use the data in a publication, please reference the paper below: E.R. Engdahl, Van der Hilst, R.D., and Buland, R.P., 1998, Global teleseismic earthquake relocation with improved travel times and procedures for depth determination, Bull. Seism. Soc. Amer., v. 88, pp. 722-743. ============= included EHB98 format description (FORMAT.HDF) =============== *HDF FILE FORMAT Program write statement: 2 write(19,1001) 1 ahyp,isol,iseq,yr,mon,day,hr,min,sec,ad,glat,glon, 2 depth,iscdep,mb,ms,mw,ntot,ntel,ndep,greg,se,ser,sedep, 3 rstadel,openaz,topenaz,az1,len1,az2,len2,avh 1001 format(a1,a3,a2,i2,2i3,1x,2i3,f6.2,a1,2f8.3,2f6.1,3f4.1, 1 4i4,3f8.2,3f6.1,4i4,f5.1) Variable definitions: ahyp open azimuth of teleseismic a1 stations (delta > 28 deg) used blank = < 180 deg Z = >= 180 deg or A = < 180 deg B = < 210 deg and > 180 deg C = < 240 deg and > 210 deg D = < 270 deg and > 240 deg F = > 270 deg isol solution type a3 HEQ = origin time & hypocenter fixed DEQ = depth free LEQ = depth fixed by program FEQ = depth fixed by Engdahl XEQ = poor solution iseq other info a2 X = explosion/cavity collapse M = focal mechanism available yr year i2 mon month i3 day day i3 hr origin hour i4 min origin minute i3 sec origin second f6.2 ad source agency a1 glat geographic latitude f8.3 glon geographic longitude f8.3 depth depth f6.1 iscdep depth reported by ISC f6.1 mb mb magnitude f4.1 ms Ms magnitude f4.1 mw Mw magnitude f4.1 ntot total number of observations used i4 ntel number of teleseismic observations i4 (delta > 28 deg) used ndep number of depth phase observations i4 (delta > 28 deg) used greg Flinn-Engdahl region number i4 se standard error of observations used f8.2 ser standard error in position (km) f8.2 sedep standard error in depth (km) f8.2 rstadel distance to closest station f6.1 openaz largest station open azimuth f6.1 topenaz largest teleseismic station open f6.1 azimuth (delta > 28 deg) az1 semi-axis azimuth f4.0 len1 semi-axis length f4.1 az2 semi-axis azimuth f4.0 len2 semi-axis length f4.1 avh statistical geometric mean of axes f5.1 Square and multiply by pi to get area of 90% confidence ellipse ============= End of EHB98 format description (FORMAT.HDF) ===============