Included in this directory are all codes used in the automated shear wave splitting project undertaken by the ISC and University of Leeds. All '.f' suffixes are Fortran 77 code, '.pl' are perl scripts. The actual splitting measurement is performed by 'autosplit.f' which takes at input the filenames of two N and E oriented SAC files, the number of bootstrapping iterations to perform, which measurement method(s) you require and output format. The perl scripts included were all routinely used in the waveform retrieval process. Many of the subrouines used will be ISC specific (e.g. interacting with the database etc), but are included here for reference and completeness. '' identifies suitable time windows. '' generates automated e-mail requests '' receives returned e-mails '' processes e-mail responses to identify data '' is a perl wrapper for 'autosplit.f' '' is a perl wrapper for 'stalta.f', used to define picks. If you have any problems/queries with the above software, please feel free to e-mail me at my new address: Matt Evans