This file describes the ISC's Fixed Format Bulletin (.ffb) files. The same format is used for Catalogue files, except that phase records are excluded.
Each group of records for an event will contain records in the following sequence - The order of the records within an event is the same as in the ISC printed bulletin.
Each estimate section contains records in the following sequence:
EPICENTRE RECORD | (FORMAT 1) (optional) |
The prime estimate must contain a format 1 record. Non-prime estimates must contain either a format 1 or a format 3 record.
Phase data appears in increasing distance of the station from the prime estimate and contains records in the following sequence:
INITIAL PHASE RECORD | (FORMAT 5 or 15) (essential) |
LATER PHASE RECORD(S) | (FORMAT 6) (optional) |
3 | to nearest 1/10th minute |
2 | to nearest minute |
1 | to nearest ten seconds |
0 | to nearest second |
1 | to 1/10th second |
2 | to 1/100th second |
Magnitude is sometimes given with precision 8, indicating that values were originally given as fractions 1/4, 1/2, 3/4.
Each record is described as a sequence of fields. Each field description consists, itself, of a sequence of fields, which are
R 0 !Header record - format 0 F 0 1 -2 I2 * 0 !Record category F 0 3 -4 I2 - IR !Next record category F 0 5 -8 I4 - IY !Reference year F 0 9-10 I2 - 1-12 !Reference month number F 0 11-14 I4 - IY !Year - repeated F 0 15-16 I2 - 1-12 !Month number (repeated) F 0 17-19 A3 - 'Apr', !Month name 'Aug','Dec','Feb','Jan','Jul','Jun','Mar','May','Nov','Oct','Sep' F 0 20-21 I2 - 1 !First day number F 0 22-23 I2 - 28-31 !Last day number F 0 24-25 I2 - 64-98 !Last two digits of creation year F 0 26-27 I2 - 1-12 !Creation month number F 0 28-29 I2 - 1-31 !Creation day number F 0 30-35 I6 - 1-10 !Software version F 0 36-38 I3 - 96 !Record length
R 1 !Epicentre - format 1 F 1 1 -2 I2 * 1 !Record category F 1 3 -4 I2 - IR !Next record category F 1 5 -8 I4 - IY !Reference year F 1 9-10 I2 - 1-12 !Reference month F 1 11-12 I2 b 1-28,29,30,31,32 !Day number F 1 13-14 I2 b 0-23 !Hours F 1 15-16 I2 b 0-59 !Minutes F 1 17-20 F4 b 0-5999 !Seconds*100 (F4.2) F 1 21-22 I2 - -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3 !Precision of time F 1 23-25 I3 - 1-299 !Agency number from 'FIXED' F 1 26-26 A1 - 'A', !Prime estimate flag - A=Prime, B-Z others F 1 27-33 I7 - -900000-900000 !Latitude * 10**4 (F7.4) !Precision of latitude F 1 34-35 I2 - -6, ! to 1/1000000th degree !! -5, ! to 1/100000th degree !! -4, ! to 1/10000th degree !! -3, ! to 1/1000th degree -2, ! to 1/100th degree -1, ! to 1/10th degree 0, ! to nearest degree 1, ! to ten degrees ! 4, ! degrees, minutes, seconds and tenths of second 5, ! degrees, minutes, seconds 6, ! degrees, minutes and tenths of minutes 7, ! degrees and minutes 8 ! fraction of a degree (1/4, 1/2, 3/4) F 1 36-43 I8 - -1800000-1800000 !Longitude * 10**4 (F8.4) -1800000 to 1800000 1705968 ! Precision of longitude F 1 44-45 I2 - -6, ! to 1/1000000th degree !! -5, ! to 1/100000th degree !! -4, ! to 1/10000th degree !! -3, ! to 1/1000th degree -2, ! to 1/100th degree -1, ! to 1/10th degree 0, ! to nearest degree 1, ! to ten degrees ! 4, ! degrees, minutes, seconds and tenths of second 5, ! degrees, minutes, seconds 6, ! degrees, minutes and tenths of minutes 7, ! degrees and minutes 8 ! fraction of a degree (1/4, 1/2, 3/4) F 1 46-49 I4 b -100-7700, ! Depth in kilometres *10 (F4.1) 7701-9000 F 1 50-51 I2 99 -3,-2,-1,0 ! Precision of depth F 1 52-55 F4 b 0-99,100-199,200-299,300-399,400-499,500-599, 600-699,700-799,800-899,900-999 ! Magnitude one*100 (F4.2) F 1 56-59 F4 b 0-999 !Magnitude one (end of range). (F4.2) F 1 60-61 I2 99 -2,-1,0,8 !Magnitude one precision ! Type of magnitude 1 F 1 62-64 A3 - ' ', '! ', ! error '5. ', ! error 'B ', ! body wave magnitude (Mb) 'C ', ! coda length magnitude 'D ', ! duration magnitude 'L ', ! Local 'N ', ! Nuttli 'S ', ! Surface wave 'SZ ', ! Surface wave on vertical component 'W ' ! Moment F 1 65-67 I3 b 0,1-9, !Number of observations contributing to magnitude one 10-19,20-49,50-99,100-199,200-299,300-399,400-999 null 1392982 F 1 68-70 I3 b 0-99,100-999 !Standard error for magnitude one (F3.2) F 1 71-72 I2 99 -2--1 !Precision of standard error for magnitude one F 1 73-76 I4 b 1-729 !Geographical region number - (prime estimates) F 1 77-79 I3 b 1-52 !Seismic region number - (prime estimates) F 1 80-83 I4 b 0,1-9,10-99,100-999,1000-9999 !Number of observations F 1 84-87 I4 b 0-9, !Standard deviation of one observation*100 (F4.2) 10-99,100-999,1000-9999 F 1 88-89 I2 99 -2,-1 !Precision of standard deviation of one observation F 1 90-93 I4 b 1-9, !Observations contributing to standard deviation 10-99,100-999,1000-9999
R 2 F 2 1 -2 I2 * 2 !Record category F 2 3 -4 I2 - IR !Next record category F 2 5 -8 I4 - IY !Reference year F 2 9-10 I2 - 1-12 !Reference month F 2 11-14 F4 b 0-99, !Magnitude two (F4.2) 100-199,200-299,300-399,400-499,500-599, 600-699,700-799,800-899,900-999 null 929008 F 2 15-18 F4 b 0-999 !Magnitude two (end of range) (F4.2) F 2 19-20 I2 99 -2--1,0,8 !Magnitude two precision (=99 for null or for rang !Type of magnitude two F 2 21-23 A3 - ' ', '! ', ! error '5. ', ! error 'B ', ! body wave magnitude (Mb) 'C ', ! coda length magnitude 'D ', ! duration magnitude 'L ', ! Local 'N ', ! Nuttli 'S ', ! Surface wave 'SZ ', ! Surface wave on vertical component 'W ' ! Moment F 2 24-26 I3 b 0,1-9, !Number of obs. contributing to magnitude two 10-99,100-999 F 2 27-29 I3 b 0-998,999 !Standard error for magnitude two (F3.2) null 1004963 F 2 30-31 I2 99 -2,0 !Precision of s.e. for magnitude two F 2 32-36 I5 b 0-9, !Standard error for origin time (F5.3) 10-99,100-999,1000-9999,10000-99998,99999 F 2 37-38 I2 99 -6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0 !Precision of s.e. for origin time F 2 39-44 I6 b 0-9, !Standard error latitude (degrees) (F6.4) 10-99,100-999,1000-9999,10000-99999,100000-999998,999999 F 2 45-46 I2 99 -7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0 !Precision of s.e. for latitude F 2 47-52 I6 b 0-9, !Standard error longitude (degrees) (F6.4) 10-99,100-999,1000-9999,10000-99999,100000-999998,999999 F 2 53-54 I2 99 -7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,0 !Precision of s.e. for longitude F 2 55-58 I4 b 0-9, !Standard error for depth (km) (F4.1) 10-99,100-999,1000-9998,9999 F 2 59-60 I2 99 -4,-3,-2,-1,0 !Precision of s.e. for depth F 2 61-61 A1 - ' ', ! Explosion/effects flag: 'C', ! Collapse of nuclear explosion 'D', ! Damaging natural earthquake 'F', ! Felt natural earthquake 'H', ! Chemical explosion 'M', ! Event associated with mining 'N', ! Nuclear explosion or presumed nuclear explosion 'R' ! Rockburst F 2 62-64 I3 b 0-999 !Mantissa of explosion charge size in tons (F3.2) F 2 65-66 I2 b -1-10 !Exponent of explosion charge size F 2 67-68 I2 99 -3,-2,-1,0,1,3,5 !Precision of explosion charge size F 2 69-71 I3 b 1-9, !Number of pP-P observations 10-99,100-999 F 2 72-75 I4 b 0-9, !Std. deviation of 1 pP-P observation F4.2 10-99,100-999,1000-9998,9999 F 2 76-80 I5 b -1500--1, !Depth from pP-P observations (km) F5.2 0-9999,10000-19999,20000-29999,30000-39999,40000-69999, 70000-77000 F 2 81-85 I5 b 0-9, !Std. error of depth from pP-P observations(km) F5.2 10-99,100-999,1000-1999,2000-4999,5000-9999,10000-99999 F 2 86-87 I2 b 0-12 !Maximum intensity F 2 88-88 A1 - ' ','A' !Intensity scale F 2 89-91 I3 b 0-2, !Distance in degrees to closest observation 3-5,6-9,10-89,90-180 F 2 92-94 I3 b 0-5,6-9,10-89,90-180 !Degrees to most distant observation
R 3 F 3 1 -2 I2 * 3 !Record category F 3 3 -4 I2 - IR !Next record category F 3 5 -8 I4 - IY !Reference year F 3 9-10 I2 - 1-12 !Reference month F 3 11-12 I2 - 1-28,29,30,31 ! Days F 3 13-14 I2 - 0-23 !Hours F 3 15-16 I2 - 0-59 !Minutes F 3 17-20 I4 - 0-5999,6000-6099 !Seconds (F4.2) F 3 21-23 I3 - 1-299 !Agency number F 3 24-24 A1 - AZ !Prime-estimate flag F 3 25-96 A72 - TX !Comment
R 4 F 4 1 -2 I2 * 4 !Record category F 4 3 -4 I2 - IR !Next record category F 4 5 -8 I4 - IY !Reference year F 4 9-10 I2 - 1-12 !Reference month F 4 11-12 I2 - 1,2-4,5-9,10-19,20-50 !Serial number (starting at 1) F 4 13-96 A84 - TX !Comment text
R 5 F 5 1 -2 I2 * 5 !Record category F 5 3 -4 I2 - IR !Next record category F 5 5 -8 I4 - IY !Reference year F 5 9-10 I2 - 1-12 !Reference month F 5 11-14 A4 - AS !Station code F 5 15-18 I4 - 1-3000 !Station number F 5 19-19 A1 - ' ','A' !Network code ! A Australia F 5 20-20 A1 - ' ', !Source code '.', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'B', 'D', 'E', 'I', 'J', ! Japan Meteorolgical Agency 'L', 'M', 'S', 'T', 'U', ! USA (NEIS) 'W' F 5 21-21 A1 - ' ', ! Format received code '1', ! ISC format 1 '2', ! ISC format 2 '3', ! ISC format 3 'B', ! Blacknest format ? 'F', ! ISC P=V format 'N', ! NEIS tape format 'U' ! NEIS PDE F 5 22-22 A1 - ' ', ! Local - Teleseismic flag 'L', ! Local 'T' ! Teleseismic F 5 23-25 I3 - 0-359 !Azimuth in degrees from epicentre to station F 5 26-30 I5 - 0-18000 !Distance in degrees F5.2 F 5 31-33 I3 - 1-50 !Number of phases in this observation F 5 34-35 I2 - 1-28,29,30,31,32 !Days F 5 36-37 I2 - 0-23 !Hours F 5 38-39 I2 - 0-59 !Minutes F 5 40-43 I4 - 0-5999 !Seconds F4.2 F 5 44-45 I2 99 -3,-2,-1,0,1,2 !Precision of time F 5 46-48 I3 999 0-199 !Operator's ID (numerical): see table at end F 5 49-56 A8 - ' ', !Operator's ID (characters) List of all operator phases ids ever, including rubbish F 5 57-60 I4 - -999, ! Operator's residual F4.1 -998--100,-99--10,-9--1,0,1-9,10-99,100-999,1000-9998,9999 F 5 61-63 I3 999 0, !ISC ID (numerical): null as 999 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39, 40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59, 60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79, 80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99, 100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109, 110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119, 120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129 F 5 64-67 I4 - -999, !ISC residual F4.1 -998--100,-99--10,-9--1,0,1-9,10-99,100-999,1000-9998,9999 F 5 68-68 A1 - ' ', ! Direction of first motion: '+', ! Short period compression '-', ! Short period dilatation '1', ! Long period compression '2', ! Long period dilatation '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '?', 'A', ! Compression on short and long period 'B', ! Compression short period, dilatation long period 'C', ! Compression (period unspecified) 'D', ! Dilatation (period unspecified) 'E', ! East 'J', ! Dilatation short period, compression long period 'K', ! Dilatation on short and long period 'N', ! North 'R', 'U', 'W', ! West '\', 'c' F 5 69-69 A1 - ' ', !Instrument type - component is sometimes reported here 'B', ! broad band 'E', ! East-West component! 'H', ! Hilbert transform 'N', ! North-South component! 'S', ! short period 'Z', ! vertical component! 'l' F 5 70-70 A1 - ' ', !Component: 'D', ! Down 'E', ! East 'H', ! Horizontal 'L', 'N', ! North 'P', 'R', 'S', ! South 'T', ! 'U', ! Up 'W', ! West 'Z' ! Vertical F 5 71-71 A1 - ' ', ! Sharpness: '2', ! error '9', ! error 'U', ! error 'e', ! Emergent 'i', ! Impulsive 'l' ! ?? F 5 72-72 A1 - ' ' !Signal-to-noise ratio F 5 73-75 I3 b -10--1, !Log A/T (F3.1) 0,1-10,11-20,21-30,31-40,41-50,51-60,61-70,71-80,81-90 F 5 76-77 I2 99 -5,-1,0 !Precision of log A/T ! -5 ??? ! -1 to one tenth ! 0 to nearest unit F 5 78-81 I4 b 0,1-9, !Mantissa of amplitude (F4.3) 10-99,100-999,1000-9999 F 5 82-83 I2 b 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 !Exponent of amplitude F 5 84-85 I2 99 -2,-1,0,1,2,3 !amplitude units ! 0 amplitude in nanometres ! 3 amplitude in micrometres ! any other values are erronoeous F 5 86-89 I4 b 0,1-9,10-99,100-999 !Period in seconds (F4.1) F 5 90-91 I2 99 -5,-4,-2,-1,0,1 !Precision of period F 5 92-93 I2 b -10--1, !Magnitude (F2.1) 0-9,10-19,20-29,30-39,40-49,50-59,60-69,70-79,80-89,90-99
R 6 F 6 1 -2 I2 * 6 !Record category F 6 3 -4 I2 - IR !Next record category F 6 5 -8 I4 - IY !Reference year F 6 9-10 I2 - 1-12 !Reference month F 6 11-12 I2 - 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10-19,20-29,30-39,40-50 !Phase count F 6 13-14 I2 b 0-28,29,30,31,32 !Days F 6 15-16 I2 b 0-23 !Hours F 6 17-18 I2 b 0-59 !Minutes F 6 19-22 I4 b 0-5999 !Seconds (F4.2) F 6 23-24 I2 99 -3,-2,-1,0,1,2,3,4 !Precision of time F 6 25-27 I3 999 0, !Operator's ID (numerical) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39, 40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59, 60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79, 80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99, 100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109, 110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119 F 6 28-35 A8 - ' ', ! Operator's ID (characters) (incl. rubbish) List of all operator phases ids ever, including rubbish 2F 6 36-39 I4 - -999, !Operator's residual in seconds (F4.1) -998--100,-99--10,-9--1,0, 1-9,10-99,100-999,1000-9998,9999 F 6 40-42 I3 999 0, !ISC ID (numerical) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39, 40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59, 60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79, 80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99, 100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,108,109, 110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119 F 6 43-46 I4 9999 -999, !ISC residual in seconds (F4.1) -998--100,-99--50,-49--10,-9--1,0, 1-9,10-49,50-99,100-999,1000-9998 F 6 47-47 A1 - ' ', ! Direction of first motion: '+', ! Short period compression '-', ! Short period dilatation '1', ! Long period compression '2', ! Long period dilatation 'A', ! Compression on short and long period 'B', ! Compression short period, dilatation long period 'C', ! Compression (period unspecified) 'D', ! Dilatation (period unspecified) 'J', ! Dilatation short period, compression long period 'K' ! Dilatation on short and long period F 6 48-48 A1 - ' ', ! Instrument type: 'B', ! broad band 'E', 'H', ! Hilbert transform 'N', 'S', ! short period 'Z' F 6 49-49 A1 - ' ', !Component: 'D', ! down 'E', ! East 'H', 'L', 'N', ! North 'P', 'R', ! radial 'S', ! South 'T', ! tangential 'U', ! up 'W', ! West 'X', ! vertical 'Y', ! vertical 'Z' ! vertical F 6 50-50 A1 - ' ', !Sharpness: 'e', ! Emergent 'i' ! Impulsive F 6 51-51 A1 - ' ' !Signal-to-noise ratio F 6 52-54 I3 b -10--1,0-90 !Log A/T (F3.1) F 6 55-56 I2 99 -1 !Precision of log A/T F 6 57-60 I4 b 0-999, !Mantissa of amplitude in millimicrons (F4.3) 1000-1999,2000-2999,3000-3999,4000-4999,5000-5999, 6000-6999,7000-7999,8000-8999,9000-9998,9999 F 6 61-62 I2 b 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 !Exponent of amplitude F 6 63-64 I2 99 -2,-1,0,1,2,3 !Precision of amplitude F 6 65-68 I4 b 0-99, !Period in seconds (F4.1) 100-199,200-499,500-999,1000-9999 F 6 69-70 I2 99 -2,-1,0 !Precision of period F 6 71-72 I2 b 0, !Magnitude (F2.1) 10-19,20-29,30-39,40-49,50-59,60-69,70-79,80-89,90-99
R 7 F 7 1 -2 I2 * 7 !Record category F 7 3 -4 I2 - IR !Next record category F 7 5 -8 I4 - IY !Reference year F 7 9-10 I2 - 1-12 !Reference month F 7 11-12 I2 - 1-5,6-10,11-20 !Count of comment records for this station F 7 13-96 A84 - TX !Comment
Format 15 is identical to Format 5, except that the fifth character of the station code is appended after all of the other fields, in position 94
R 90 !Agency record F 90 1 -2 I2 * 90 !Record category F 90 3 -4 I2 - IR !Next record category F 90 5 -8 I4 - IY !Reference year F 90 9-10 I2 - 1-12 !Reference month F 90 11-13 I3 - 1-999 !Agency number F 90 14-19 A6 - AD !Agency code F 90 20-21 I2 - 0-10 !Record number F 90 22-96 A75 - TX !Name and address lines
R 91 !Station record F 91 1 -2 I2 * 91 !Record category F 91 3 -4 I2 - IR !Next record category F 91 5 -8 I4 - IY !Reference year F 91 9-10 I2 - 1-12 !Reference month F 91 11-14 I4 - 1-9999 !Station number F 91 15-19 A5 - TX !Station code F 91 20-22 A3 - ' ' !Blank F 91 23-40 A18 - TX !Station name F 91 41-61 A21 - TX !Geographical or political region F 91 62-63 I2 - 0-90 !Latitude degrees F 91 64-65 I2 - 0-59 !Latitude minutes F 91 66-68 F3 b 0-599 !Latitude seconds*10 F 91 69-69 A1 - 'N','S' F 91 70-72 I3 - 0-179 !Longitude degrees F 91 73-74 I2 - 0-59 !Longitude minute F 91 75-77 F3 b 0-599 !Longitude seconds*10 There were some excessively large values (above 599) in the above field. The following values were originally present SLN was 700 seconds between 196410 and 196611 PHC was 900 seconds for 196503 SVW was 600 seconds between 196710 and 196812 F 91 78-78 A1 - 'E','W' F 91 79-82 I4 b -999--100,-99--1,0-6000 !Height above sea level in metres F 91 83-83 A1 - ' ','W' !W = for world-wide standard stations
Null records occur only near the end of a file. Null records originally padded out files to a multiple of a blocking factor. They have been removed from files on ISC CDs.
R 99 !Null record F 99 1 -2 I2 * 99 !Record category F 99 3 -4 I2 - IR !Next record category F 99 5 -8 I4 - IY !Reference year F 99 9-10 I2 - 1-12 !Reference month
0 P 37 SSS 74 PN 1 PP 38 SCS 75 SN 2 PPP 39 SKS 76 PGPG 3 PCP 40 SKKS 77 SGSG 4 PKP 41 SKKKS 78 LR 5 PKP2 42 SCSPKP 79 LQ 6 PKPPKP 43 SKSSKS 80 L 7 PCPPKP 44 SCSP 81 PHASE81 8 PS 45 SKSP 82 PHASE82 9 PPS 46 SCP 83 SPP 10 PCS 47 SP 84 PHASE84 11 PKS 48 SKP 85 SPECIAL 12 PKKS 49 SKKP 86 QM 13 PCSPKP 50 SKPPKP 87 RM 14 PKPPKS 51 SSP 88 T 15 PKPSKS 52 PHASE52 89 T(MAX) 16 PKKP 53 PHASE53 90 NORTH 17 3PKP 54 PHASE54 91 SOUTH 18 PKIKP 55 PHASE55 92 EAST 19 PKP1 56 PHASE56 93 WEST 20 PKHKP 57 sPKP2 94 UP 21 PHASE21 58 pPCP 95 DOWN 22 PSS 59 pPKP 96 E 23 PHASE23 60 pP 97 I 24 PHASE24 61 pPP 98 MAXIMUM 25 PHASE25 62 sP 99 FINAL 26 PHASE26 63 sPKP 100 S/SKS 27 PHASE27 64 sS 102 PX 28 PHASE28 65 sSS 101 P/PKP 29 PHASE29 66 sPP 103 X1 30 PHASE30 67 sPCP 104 X2 31 PHASE31 68 sSCS 105 SX 32 PHASE32 69 pPKP2 106 SB1 33 PHASE33 70 P* 107 SB2 34 PHASE34 71 S* 108 35 S 72 PG 109 S/(SKS) 36 SS 73 SG 110 (S)/SKS 111 PFAKENotes:
0 P 37 SSS 74 PN 121 rx 1 PP 38 SCS 75 SN 122 SPS 2 PPP 39 SKS 76 PGPG 123 Sx 3 PCP 40 SKKS 77 SGSG 124 tx 4 PKP 41 SKKKS 78 LR 125 x 5 PKP2 42 SCSPKP 79 LQ 6 PKPPKP 43 SKSSKS 80 L 7 PCPPKP 44 SCSP 81 PKKP3 8 PS 45 SKSP 82 PKKS3 9 PPS 46 SCP 83 SPP 10 PCS 47 SP 84 PHASE84 11 PKS 48 SKP 85 P DIFF 12 PKKS 49 SKKP 86 QM 13 PCSPKP 50 SKPPKP 87 RM 14 PKPPKS 51 SSP 88 T 15 PKPSKS 52 SKP2 89 T(MAX) 16 PKKP 53 SKS2 90 NORTH 17 3PKP 54 SKKS2 91 SOUTH 18 PKIKP 55 SKKS3 92 EAST 19 PP2 56 SKKKS2 93 WEST 20 PPP2 57 sPKP2 94 UP 21 PKS2 58 pPCP 95 DOWN 22 PSS 59 pPKP 96 E 23 PSS2 60 pP 97 I 24 SSP2 61 pPP 98 MAXIMUM 25 PCPPKP2 62 sP 99 FINAL 26 PCSPKP2 63 sPKP 100 27 SS2 64 sS 111 PFAKE 28 PKKP2 65 sSS 112 A 29 PKKS2 66 sPP 113 AMB 30 SCSPKP3 67 sPCP 114 AML 31 SCSPKP2 68 sSCS 115 AMS 32 SCSP2 69 pPKP2 116 Lg 33 SKSP2 70 P* 117 MLR 34 SSS2 71 S* 118 Px 35 S 72 PG 119 PSP 36 SS 73 SG 120 PSS
Note: 100 implies no ISC identification.