LIST OF ISCBUL BUG-FIXES ------------------------ February 3rd 2003 ----------------- iscbul - increased maximum no of agencies to 1000 from 400. dofile - due to agency-format error in 2000 ffb's - looks for '1' in column 20 for year 2000; otherwise column 21 (2000 format error was only for agency-record section of ffb's) February 17th 2003 ------------------ wrote modified version of showea.f - showea_centisecs.f to show centi-seconds - need to modify Makefile/re-make program to use this. This also inhibits negative magnitudes. July 17th 2003 -------------- Routines iscbul,dofile,timsub,limons modified to handle cases where there are missing ffb-files. ie in 1904 there was only data for 6 months out of the 12. Previously the program assumed that there would be an ffb file for every month, without gaps, and would search backwards until it found a non-existent month - the first 'gap' being 190809 (in the ISC Catalogue 1904-2000 CD). It would then assume that 190810 was the 'earliest' available data. Hence - no requests for data earlier than this date would work. The program now searches backwards to 1900 and will find the earliest month with data. When requesting data across 'gaps' the program just prints 'No file exists for - yyyymm' and continues. Sept 12th 2003 -------------- The program could not handle large events properly. The use of a large memory buffer and a sequential overflow file were replaced by the use of a direct-access file - this was a significant change - requiring modifications across many routines. This can now handle events of any size.