subroutine fegnam (nreg, name, lename) c returns the F-E geographic region name given the geographic c region number character*(*) name character*10 chival common /gnames/ gindex(757), gareas integer*2 gindex character*13000 gareas logical first/.true./ if (nreg .lt. 1 .or. nreg .gt. 757) 2 call abort ('fegnam: Bad region number'//chival(nreg)) if (first) then first = .false. c Following added to guarantee the index is zero initially - for PC version c This is not necessary for Unix version - but keeps the sources the same do i=1,757 gindex(i) = 0 end do call setnam end if if (nreg .eq. 1) then ib = 1 else ib = gindex(nreg-1) + 1 end if il = gindex(nreg) lename = 1 + il - ib name(:lename) = gareas(ib:il) return end