subroutine shelp (nout, level) integer nout, level character*80 text(6) text(1) = '1 Prime estimates only [default]' text(2) = '2 All estimates' text(3) = '3 All estimates and epicentral comments' text(4) = '4 All estimates, epicentral comments' 2 //' and initial phases' text(5) = '5 All estimates, epicentral comments' 2 //' and all phases' text(6) = '6 All estimates, epicentral comments,' 2 //' phases and station comments' if (level .eq. 0) then print *, 'The Show keyword can have the following values' do i = 1, 6 print *, ' '//text(i)(:len_trim(text(i))) end do else call putout (nout, 'Show '//text(level)) end if return end