Station List Format Each record contains all the information about one station code. It always starts on column 1 of a new line, and may continue over any number of lines, the continuation lines being identified by a blank in column one. Lines are limited to 80 characters. Records are stored in ascending EBCDIC sequence of station code. There are three types of records : 1. Primary code records. 2. Alternate code records. 3. Comment records (not yet implemented) Records are made up of fields, fields are separated by slashes. 1. Primary code records: 1. Essential fields 1. Station Code Maximum length 5 characters. First symbol must be A-Z, Symbols allowed later are A-Z,0-9,- and *. 2. Station Name Maximum length 24 characters. Symbols allowed a-z,A-Z,0-9 and -. 3. Region name 2. Optional fields identified by position 1. Status Status flags must be given in alphabetic sequence. i.e. is OK, but is not. B Checked against station bulletin C Now closed W WWSS Station 2. Latitude Given as degrees:minutes:seconds hemisphere. Degrees are normally given without leading zeros, although at least one digit must be given, i.e. 0:25S for zero degrees 25 mins South. Minutes are normally given with leading zeros and are essential. Seconds are optional and should be given with leading zeros, either to 0 or 1 decimal place. The hemisphere identifier is either N or S and is essential even for the equator. 3. Longitude See Latitude except that hemisphere identifier is of course now E or W. 4. Altitude Given in metres. 3. Optional fields identified by a field identifier, the field identifiers are a single character and a colon. If any of these fields are used all positional fields must be present. They must appear in this order but are all optional. 1. D: Dating One field allowed per record. Contains a series of opening and closing dates, which must run sequentially, the first opening date or last closing date may be ommitted, the field is made up thus , etc. where = - and dates are of the form or or 2. T: Timing One field per record. Contains information on radio times used. 3. C: Comments One field per record. When entering coordinate changes give the actual month and year the change was entered. 4. S: Name for sorting purposes. Name to be used for controlling sequence in catalogue list sorted in name order. In deciding name order the following sequences in the station name field are treated specially: 1. Mc* where * is a capital letter is treated as Mac*. 2. Mt* where * is not an alphabetic character is treated as Mount*. 3. St* where * is not an alphabetic character is treated as Saint* 5. A: Alternate Names Multiple fields allowed per record. 2. Alternate Code records: All fields essential 1. Alternate Code 2. Record identifier 'A:' 3. Primary Code 3. Comment records: Identified by an exclamation point in column 1.